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online ceremony for Iran's national day
Virtual ceremony of the 42nd national day of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Due to the limitations of koruna in holding the ceremony of the 42nd national day of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Croatia, Hereby announces the event via a series of tweets consisting of 6 tweets as follows on Wednesday, February 10 2021: First Tweet: Introducing the National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran Second tweet: Video clip of the National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the republic of Croatia   Third Tweet: Video Message from Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Fourth tweet: Message from the Ambassador Parviz Esmaeili Fifth tweet: The message of  Mr Petra Mihatova Acting Director of the political affairs in the Ministry of foreign and European affairs of Croatia) Tweet 6: Video of images of natural, historical attractions and cultural heritage and developments. 42 Nacionalni dan Islamske Republike Iran, zbog  epidemioloških mjera uvjetovanih Covid-19 pandemijom,  obilježit će se u Republici Hrvatskoj nizom od 6 tweetova (ili drugih društvenih mreža) u srijedu, 10.veljače, kako slijedi:  1. tweet: Predstavljanje programa Nacionalnog dana Islamske Republike Iran   2.tweet: Video državnih himni Islamske Republike Iran i zemlje domaćina Republike Hrvatske  3. tweet: Video poruka dr. Mohammada Javada Zarifa, ministra vanjskih poslova Islamske Republike Iran  4. tweet: Poruka veleposlanika Islamske Republike Iran u Hrvatskoj, Nj.E. G. Parviz Esmaeili-ja  5. tweet: Poruka g. Petra Mihatova, v.d.ravnatelja za politička pitanja, Ministarstarstva  vanjskih i europskih poslova Republike Hrvatske  6. tweet: Video slike prirodnih i povijesnih atrakcija te kulturne baštine i razvoja Irana.    
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